Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Update - Session Set to Begin

Legislature Set to Convene

The 2015 General Assembly Session will convene on Tuesday with the opening gavel falling around Noon. This will be Kentucky’s short non-budget session, which is 30 legislative days. The four day organizational part of the session where they will officially elect leaders, name committee chairs and appoint members to committees takes place this week. This is basically complete in the Senate with each party having announced their leadership elections and committee assignments. The House is much less resolved as it appears there could be multiple contested races for House Democrat leadership posts, including Speaker Pro-Tem. House Republicans will have several contested races for leadership posts, as well. Until these leadership elections are completed, work naming committee chairs and committee members will hold until later in the week.

Once the organizational business is concluded, the legislature will recess Friday, January 9th until February 3rd when they are scheduled to return for the remaining 24 legislative days. When the General Assembly returns in February, they will have four and a half weeks remaining. This is not a lot of time to pass significant legislative measures, especially if an issue is controversial. Among the issues the General Assembly will be dealing with this session are: heroin abuse; teacher and state employee pension reforms; local option sales tax; and public-private partnerships. None of these have consensus going into the session, which will occupy leadership’s time working out final details on these bills as the session progresses.

Once completing their business, legislators will recess for the veto period of 10 days and return for 2 veto days on March 23rd. The session is currently scheduled to be finished by March 24, but legislators have until the end of March to complete their business.

You can access the official session calendar HERE.

You can access the official standing committee meeting schedule HERE.

Back to Frankfort Reception

Please Join Us For Our Annual
Welcome Back to Frankfort
Legislative Reception

January 7th, 2015
5 PM —7 PM

Government Strategies
229 Shelby Street
Frankfort, KY

Session Communications

We will be communicating with you frequently throughout the session, especially as legislative activity ramps up heading towards February. You can expect a weekly session summary and bill tracking report tailored to your interests in order to keep you updated on issues and bills of interest. In addition we will be communicating from time to time  on issues of general importance as they arise, like the outcome of this week’s legislative leadership races. We also encourage you to sign up for our daily Kentucky Politics newsletter HERE and checkout our redesigned website www.govplan.com. As always we will not hesitate to contact you when issues of interest arise.