Linda Hampton, Governor's Office of Early Childhood gave an overview of Early Childhood Education in Kentucky, here slides are HERE and the relevant points and legislator questions are below:
- ESSA Preschool Development Grant - KY received $10.6 planning grant 1 year. Poised to receive continuing funding for actual work that is expected to be over $20 million for multiple years
- Gave multiple examples of counties where schools and child care centers working together on grant applications by collaborating on services
- NGA grant of $25,000 related to prenatal-3rd grade to align education standards.
Homeschooling Presentation - This was a repeat of an OEA presentation of their report on homeschooling that can be found HERE. The committee seemed interested in general about 2 items based on their questions: 1. Should there be more standards for homeschool teachers and 2. How do you prevent parents from claiming they are homeschooling a student mid-year after several absences have occurred.