Kentucky Political News Headlines

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2013 Legislative Calendar

The Legislative Research Commission released the 2013 Regular Session calendar today. A copy of the press release and a link to a copy of the calendar is below. Here are the highlights:

- The 2013 session will be an odd-year "short" 30-day session compared to the 60 day even-year sessions. These short sessions begin with a 4-day organizational session, where the House and Senate will elect new leadership, determine committee chairs, and assign members to committees. That is currently scheduled to take place January 8-11.

- The General Assembly will then recess until February 5 when they will reconvene and begin the work of considering bills and resolutions until March 11, when they are scheduled to break for the Governor to consider any vetoes. The schedule released today has them returning after the veto recess on March 25 & 26 for the final two days of the session to override any vetoes and finalizing their work. They have some flexibility in the calendar as they don't have to complete their work until March 30 per the constitution.

- Two dates we always circle are the last day for introduction of new bills, which is scheduled for February 15 in the Senate and Feb. 19 in the House.

News Release
September 6, 2012

Calendar set for General Assembly's 2013 session

FRANKFORT – The 2013 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly is scheduled to begin on Jan. 8 and will last 30 legislative days.

As usual during an odd-numbered year, in which sessions are half as long as in even-numbered years, the session will have two parts. The first four days of the session – Jan. 8 to Jan. 11 – will focus on organizational work, such as electing legislative leaders, adopting rules of procedure and organizing committees. The introduction and consideration of legislation can also begin during this time.

The second part of the session begins on Feb. 5, with final adjournment scheduled for March 26.

Legislators will not meet in session on Feb. 18 in observance of Presidents' Day.

The veto recess – the period of time when lawmakers commonly return to their home districts to see which bills, if any, the governor vetoes – begins on March 12. Lawmakers will return to the Capitol on March 25 and 26 for the final two days of the session.

The 2013 session calendar can be viewed online at
