Kentucky Political News Headlines

Thursday, September 22, 2011

2012 Session Calendar

See the news release from LRC below and/or access the 2012 Session calendar by clicking HERE.

News Release
September 16, 2011

Calendar set for 2012 legislative session

FRANKFORT – The 2012 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly is scheduled to begin on Jan. 3 and will last 60 days, the maximum number allowed by the state constitution.

The session will conclude on April 9, according to the schedule that has been approved by Senate President David L. Williams and House Speaker Greg Stumbo. The schedule is pending ratification of the full 16-member Legislative Research Commission, which Williams and Stumbo co-chair.

Legislators will not meet in session on Jan. 16 in honor or Martin Luther King, Jr. Day or on Feb. 20 in observance of Presidents' Day.

The veto recess – the period of time when lawmakers commonly return to their home districts to see which bills, if any, the governor chooses to veto – will run from March 28 through April 7.

The 2012 session calendar can be viewed online at
